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The ministry focus of The Carpenter's House is not buildings and programs. It's not events or activities. It's a whole lot MORE than that! It's really about PEOPLE! Helping PEOPLE to become all that God has planned for their lives. As a result, our Mission and Vision center around this thought!


Jesus Christ, as the Master Architect and Builder, has called His church be a church who builds people. We have the wonderful privilege of partnering with Him as we "Build His Kingdom." In obedience to that call we believe the MISSION of The Carpenter's House is to:


"Bring People In, Build Them Up, and Send Them Out!"

God has planted in our hearts the desire to be "More than just a building..."


To see people of all ages in Anderson, Pickens, Greenville counties and beyond to: 


"Know Jesus, Grow in Jesus, and Flow in Jesus"


We want to see 3 things occur in their lives. Those 3 things are:

  • Come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord

  • Grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and develop into Christ-like maturity

  • Discover and fulfill their life’s purpose.

  1. To fulfill the first and greatest commandment which is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength by actively pursuing intimacy with Him.

  2. To become a ‘true worshiper’ of Christ; a people who are balanced in their worship, worshipping the Lord in “spirit and in truth.” 

  3. To fulfill our Lord’s command to love our neighbor (people) as ourselves by placing the needs of others ahead of our own and ministering to them spiritually, emotionally, physically, and relationally in the name of Jesus Christ through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 

  4. To be a place where those who are hurting can find ‘hope and healing’ in Jesus Christ.

  5. To pursue community with believers by actively participating in the Body of Christ.

  6. To build relationships with people who are unchurched and help connect them to our family.

  7. To encourage people to find their place within the Body of Christ by helping them discover their talents and spiritual gifts from God.

  8. To enable people to reach their God-given potential by equipping them with the necessary tools to do the work that God has both called and gifted them to do.

  9. To encourage people to fulfill their life’s purpose by releasing them into ministry and providing opportunities for them to exercise their gifts.

  10. To help others fulfill the ‘Great Commission’ by partnering together with people in the process of making disciples.




PO Box 51306
Piedmont, SC 29673

Our mission is to bring people in, build them up, and send them out! God has planted in our hearts the desire to be "More than just a building..."

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